He Brings Her Food and Tends To Her

The Next Time He Returns With Food, He Sees That She Has Died

He Tried To Wake His Dead Mate

He Stands Beside Her and Screams

Finally He Stands Beside Her, In Sorrow

Photos of two birds, said to have been taken in the Republic of Ukraine, where the bird tries desperately to save his mate.
Millions of people cried after seeing these photos in America and Europe. It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a
nominal price to a famous newspaper in France. And all the copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day it published them.
Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding someone you can't live without.
I truly feel this way about my husband, children, grand children and each of you that I can blog with everyday. It's great to have friends so distant but just a click away from the computer. Each of you have come into my life and I've made some great friends here. And just a huge thank you to those of you who pray for my mother and Gloria you are so sweet and such a wonderful person; god made a good one when he selected you! Thank you for your friendship and more.