Well it can mean a lot to different people.
For me today, yes it's true that I just
turned 57 years young today.
Age never bothered me until I hit the big 50.
And then something happen. Fifty became old.
I can recall when my mother turned fifty and she
never complained. She had a secret that I didn't
find out until now. No matter how you feel about
your age, you can not change that you are now another
year older. And she accepted it! And so must I.
This morning Mr. Williams had a birthday card with a large
amount of money in it for me! He said I heard your conversation
the other night about needed cloths for our vacation. Oh, he does listen!
Today, I took off work just to have a me day. I look over old photos of my
mother and pictures of her and I. It was a moving morning with just her
and I. I talked to her about each photo and where it was and what we
where doing when the picture was taken. Some how I felt at peace with her
today. I miss her so but I know she knows that she is with me everyday. So
thank you mother for spending part of my birthday with me. It meant the world
to me.
I went to the salon for a pedicure and manicure. It was wonderful. This has been
a wonderful day today. I will make dinner, Mr Williams wanted to take me out for
dinner but I am choosing to cook tonight. I hardly ever cook; he is such a wonderful
cook and I thought tonight that I would cook for us. It's been raining all day so a nice
quite dinner is just fine with me.
So ladies this has been one of the best days for me in over five weeks. Everyone
needs a me day once in a while.