Please stop over to visit our host; "Susan from Between Naps on the Porch" and all the other
fantastic tabelscapes this thursday.

Green, purple ( or plum) color table linen.
Lap napkins are hand towels. Two are large pumpkins and two are smaller.
And Mr. Owl had to show up too.......
Who's looking at me? Is that you Tootsie, and Gloria?
Pumpkin vase is terracotta and arrangement I made a few years ago.
Ice Tea classes from replacements: acorn design.
Fake acorns: from Pottery Barn last year at the end of season sale.
Flatware from Macy's' about 10 years ago.
Longerberger Halloween basket.
Filled the longerberger dish with acorns; it look better.
I should re-design the flowers in this pumpkin with more colorful flowers.
Thank you for visiting my tablescape thursday and Interior Rooms.