Maddie and Kara
Daughters and Granddaughters
Shannon, Natalie, Maddie and Kara

Shannon, Natalie, Maddie and Kara
Yesterday was my granddaughter's first communion. There is a divorce that has taken place with my oldest daughter. So it was uncomfortable and some bad feelings between both families
We got Thu the event without much trouble.
Our family went back to my daughters for late lunch. During dinner part of us where eating
in the kitchen great room and some where in the dinning room. It was beautiful weather yesterday and great for being out doors.
During lunch our six year old, 4 year old and 10 year old where running around the couch, into the kitchen and back around into the great room. On their way back to the great room they would dive over the couch. And the six year old would stand on the couch and jump to the ottoman. I told them to stop and go out side if they wanted to run and play. I don't allow
this kind of action to happen in my home and correct them accordingly.
I told them three times to stop. On the last attempt to get them to stop I chased the six year old into the dinning room to where his mother was (my oldest daughter). My youngest daughter interrupted me while telling my daughter what was taken place. My youngest daughter told me that the parent should do the discipline and not the grandparent. I was furious. I disagree with them and I told them so.
I called my youngest daughter to talk to her about what she had said and told her that I disagreed with her and that not only one of the children but more could have been seriously hurt during the running and jumping. This is the second time that I have had this conversation with her. So today my oldest called and said she would also discipline her children; well it never happens. This children are spoiled and I don't agree that only the parent should discipline them.
I love my grand children dearly with all my heart and we spoil them rotten our selves.
Today I wrote my daughters a letter and told them that I disagree with their decisions so I would not be watching the children anymore. I am so hurt over this that they would make this
decision; I refuse to let my grandchildren act this way when I am around. They are not bad children but do need to be discipline at times. I am really shock over this decision and this is the second time this has come up. I have had to discipline them at my home about jumping on
the beds and couch. One grand son put a hole in my work out room downstairs and I told his mother and she took him to my husband and made him apologize over it.
As a grand parent what do you do. I am afraid that they will get hurt if you just let them go and I never let my girls act that way at home or anyones home I want to hear from you young ladies too. If anything I try to over protect them. Both daughters where not raised this way and
it really hurts my feelings.
All you grandparents I want to hear from you; how do you approach this problem. I have
five beautiful grand children. My daughter who told me this, it wasn't even her home!
I love my girls but I feel very strong about his kind of behavior from children.