Friday, March 27, 2009
My mother has past on..............
at 3:30. It has been a long night and I really need all your prayers. She had
six children, all of them living and 10 grand children and 16 great grandchildren.
What a wonderful mother she was; always quite and never raised her voice. I will miss her forever and carry her memories with me and remember all the talks we had.
I will need to take this time to be with my brothers and sisters to grieve.
thank you,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sneak around the rabbit.......Tablescape Thursday
The salad dish, and bread plate are from the Fleuron collection. The large dinner plate is Fitz and Floyd and I bought this set when it first came out and I love the dark green leaves that surround the plate.
The rabbit is a rabbit that I use to sell in my floral and gift shop. It came with a CD and a story about rabbits. If you notice she is guarding her egg. She doesn't want the fox to get her little one before it hatches. Baby rabbit is watching from
the other side to make sure that he can run when trouble approaches.
Thank you for visiting my table scape today. I am posting early due to a scheduled
outing tonight and not sure what time I will get home. And I have an early meeting tomorrow morning so I didn't want to miss this posting. I will link up tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Humming Birds.......What flowers you need for a garden.

Hummingbird Favorites
Flowers/Perennials & Biennials
Bee Balm (Monarda) (native) Butterfly Bush
Cardinal Flower (native) Fire Spike
Red Columbine (native) Fuchsia
Coral-Bell Impatiens
Four-O-Clock Jacobiana
Hollyhock Spotted Jewel Weed (native)
Hosta Morning Glory
Indian Pink (native) Painted Lady Runner Bean
Little Cigar Petunia
Lupine (native) Red Salvia
Penstemon (native) Shrimp Plant
Yucca (native)
Trees and Shrubs
Coral (Trumpet) Honeysuckle Azalea
Cypress Vine Butterfly Bush
Trumpet Creeper (native) Flowering Quince
, Lantana
Red Buckeye
Turk's Cap
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sunday Shopping Secrets....You can post today and Monday for all your items.
It is here: Our Our First Sunday Shopping Secrets Posting
Copy and paste the Shopping Bag log to your computer to add to your sidebar.
Add your permalink below and link back to the host blog, Interior Rooms this will let
other bloggers know who is participating today and they will get visits from other bloggers.
Thank you to the list of bloggers who participated today on Sunday Shopping Secrets:
Types of Behaviors:
Compulsive shoppers – shop to distract feelings; “when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”
Trophy shoppers – find the perfect accessory for outfits, etc. High class items will do.
Image shoppers – pick up tab, expensive cars, highly visible stuff
Bargain shoppers – buy stuff they don’t need just because it is a good deal. Out for the hunt.
Codependent shoppers – to gain love and approval
Bulimic shoppers
Collector shoppers
- From collecting dishes to scouting for flatware and stemware. How about antiques, the shabby chic items. Handbags and shoes every gal needs more. We all have something in common when we shop.
“How much would you have to buy in order to finally feel satisfied or good enough?”
Never; I am always looking for something. I hope the Mr. Linky will work for me. If not let just post your name and I will try and get it straighten out. Here are a few items that I purchased this week. Two pictures for my great room. A pair of chocolate sandals and orange. A pair of Bebe high heels for a wedding in April. A Candle holder and candles for the outside porch table. And we stopped at an estate sale and I made a bid on the Rogers flatware....First Love 1847 flatware... at 90 piece set.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Foodie Friday Mishaps...............

Check out Gollum and all the stories being told today. Thank you Gollum for this
opportunity to share our stories of mishaps in the kitchen.
It happen to be on Thanksgiving in 1974. My husband and I had been married for five years and we had a 4 year old daughter. It was time for us to have the family thanksgiving dinner at our house. Our daughter was getting older and we where
adjusting in our first home.
I planned that each member would bring a dish and that way everyone got to participate in the dinner and brought their favorite dishes. I had planned
the dressing, corn casserole, dinner rolls, etc.
My sister in law wanted to do the turkey and raved about how her turkeys where always so moist and delicious. So I told my husband we will make a small turkey
for us and bake it early in the morning so we can have some left overs. There
wasn't going to be an left overs with all the family members that was coming to dinner and the sister in law turkey would all be gone.
So I baked my turkey early like at 6:00 in the morning. And my turkey was finished
around 10:00. I sliced it and put it in the fridge to save for later that evening and the following day.
Well all the guest arrived around 12:30 for early dinner around 2:00. I had the table set with what dishes I had back then and set a small table for the children.
Everyone brought their dish and it all look so delicious and smelled wonderful and my
house smelled like thanksgiving.
My husband always slices the turkey and he proceed to do so as usual and the ladies and I continued to set the table with the sides dishes, butter etc.
All Of a sudden my husband called to me and it didn't sound too good. I went to see
what the matter was and he said " take a look inside this turkey that your sister n law has fixed for our feast. Well,........ inside the turkey was the bag of giblets, and at the other end was the neck. Well! I was so sick to my stomach
and I know it must have shown on my and hubby's faces. But with all the talking going on no one noticed. So, I had a plan. I would take the turkey from the fridge that I had baked for him and I and would serve that one. So we proceed to cut her turkey and throw it in a plate like the one we where serving ours own and then he would take it outside to the garbage.
So he took out the parts that where left in the turkey and disposed of them.
My sister n law raved how delicious the turkey was and how it seems to be better this
So we told our my hubby's mother and father about what had happen and my mother in law stills laughs about it today. My husband's brother divorced her some 10 years later and we told him the story. Needless to say we never ate a meal at their house
we always used an excuse not to show up.
So as we continued to have thanksgiving with out children and our grandchildren they all know the story and we over wash and clean our turkeys.
You had to be there to see this drama take place...........
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Simple tablescape.........

A simple table scape in a garden sitting for one of my brides. The white linens,
white platter, coffee beans topped with granny green apples. Photographs where placed around the center of the table of different pictures taken during their
I didn't get a chance to do a table scape in my home; wanted to support Susan's table scape Thursday so I decided to show a table scape wedding. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Stain Removal Guide

Ballpoint Ink .... Use rubbing alcohol.
Beer - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Blood - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) to a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Butter - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
Candle Wax - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Remove with heated iron into absorbent paper towel or napkin.
2. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
3. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
Candy (sugar) - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one with the neutral detergent.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Cheese - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half- cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one with the neutral detergent.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Chewing Gum - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
Chocolate - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Coffee - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Cola drinks - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
Cosmetics (mascara) - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Crayon - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Catsup - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Earth (dirt)- Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one with the detergent.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Egg (raw)- Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Excrement- Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
5. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Fruit and Juices - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Rinse with white household vinegar. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Furniture polish- Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clear water. Blot.
Glue (school, white) - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Gravy- Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clear water. Blot.
Hand lotion - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Ice cream - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4.Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Ink (ballpoint) - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backing or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Iodine, Merthiolate - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
4. Repeat step one. Blot.
5. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Marble Stain Removal - Make a poultice from white absorbent material such as a napkin, blotter, paper towel or facial tissue, dampened with the chemical recommended to dissolve that stain; or mix whiting with that chemical to make a soft paste to cover the stain. The poultice should be left on the stain from 1 hour up to 48 hours, depending on the age and depth of the stain. Plastic wrap, held in place by masking tape, can be put over the poultice to keep it damp; otherwise it will have to be redampened with the chemical periodically. Mix only enough poultice for immediate use; mix a second batch if another application is needed.
Marking Ink Pen - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Milk - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one. Blot.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Nail Polish - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Apply nail polish remover (acetone). Blot.
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Oil Stains
Oil stains may include butter, hand cream or lotion. As soon as possible, spread surface with an absorbent fine powder such as whiting or even corn starch. After short time brush to remove and reapply more powder. Let stand 24 hours.
To remove: Scrub with hot, sudsy (detergent) solution and stiff brush. Or wipe with ammonia-dampened cloth. In either case, then rinse and wipe dry. If these alkaline solutions don't remove all the oil, you can try a solvent. Make a poultice dampened with acetone or amyl acetate (available at drug stores), or with home dry cleaning fluid. Use good ventilation with windows open to remove fumes, do not use near spark or flame, and do not leave on too long.
Organic Stains
Tea, coffee, colors bleached from paper, textiles or soft drinks.
Make poultice soaked with 20% peroxide (hair bleaching strength) and a few drop of ammonia.
Paint, Latex - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Paint, Oil-Base Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
4. OR Seek the help of a professional carpet cleaner.
Removing Blue Stains on Bathroom Fixtures:
Blue, green or other unusual colored stains, can be caused in old, badly worn bathtubs andsinks, from cleansers not rinsed off thoroughly. When harsh abrasives (such as most scouring powders) are used regularly on these porcelain enamel surfaces, over several years they wear down the smooth surface, leaving it rough.
Dyes used to encapsulate the cleaning particles in scouring powders or other colored cleansers can get into the crevices of such worn surfaces, and if not rinsed off, and allowed to stay and harden for days, can be almost impossible to remove. A strong chlorine bleach solution may lighten the stain, but will also further dull or discolor the porcelain surface. So one may have to live with the stain.
Removing Rust/Iron Stains on Bathroom Fixtures:
Rust stains come from iron in the water supply, which can only be permanently remove through installation of an iron filter. Occasionally iron is dissolved from rusting water pipes or mains by corrosive water. Iron stains can be removed by a weak acid solution, usually oxalic acid which is highly toxic and must be handled with care. Never use chlorine bleach as this sets the iron stain.
Fresh iron stains on plumbing fixtures such as sinks, bathtubs and chrome will generally yield to treatment with heavy duty cleaning compounds containing large proportions of trisodium phosphate. Apply cleaner with damp cloth, pad or sponge. Rub discolored surface until stain is removed. Rinse. Wipe dry and polish.
Heavy, stubborn rust stains can often be removed by oxalic acid stain remover compounds such as Zud or a tri-chloro-melanine compound such as Barkeepers Friend. Follow directions carefully.
For rust stains already set on bathroom or kitchen plumbing fixtures, dissolve oxalic acid crystals in hot water and add enough whiting or talc to make a soft paste. Apply this poultice to stain and let dry before removing. Rinse and polish.Use with care-it is poisonous.
Rubber Cement- Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Shoe polish - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
4. OR Seek the help of a professional carpet cleaner.
Soft Drinks - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clear water. Blot.
Soy Sauce - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half-cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Tar (asphalt) - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot. (Use small amounts to prevent any possible damage to sizings, backings, or stuffing materials. Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or carbon tetrachloride).
2. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
3. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Tea - Stain Removal on Carpet and Upholstery
1. Mix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.
2. Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water. Blot.
3. Repeat step one.
4. Sponge with clean water. Blot.
Terrazzo Floors - Stain Removal
Caution: Follow directions carefully when you use chemicals to remove stains. Always "remove the stain remover" as soon as its job has been done. Remember many of these substances are on the "Not recommended list" for general floor care, but must be used if the stain is to be removed.
Try the following methods for these common stains. Try the first method listed first, and go to the second only if this doesn't work. For unknown stains or heavy staining, consult a professional.
Cast Iron pans: To clean, wipe them out with a damp cloth rather than completely wash them, dry completely to prevent rust.
Copper pans: To get them to shine again dip the bottom of the pot in leftover pickle juice. Let it sit for about 10-15 mintes. Rinse well.
Burnt pots & pans: Make a paste of water & baking soda, rub into burnt area, then let it sit for an hour or so, it will come clean quite easily.
Aluminum pots : To restore shine, boil with some apple peels for a few minutes. Rinse well.
Enamel ware : To remove any discoloration make a paste of equal amounts of salt and vinegar, clean area & let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse well.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday Shopping Secrets.........Comming soon.

The Sunday Shopping Secrets are the items that you have bought all week and want to share
them with us gals in blog land. I know a lot of us have down time on Sundays and that's ok.
Just delay post of your item that you have bought Monday thur Sunday and post on Sunday or Monday. To delay the post on your posting site down on the bottom left is "post options" this is
where you fill in the Sunday or Monday date. This way the gals that don't blog on Sunday will get to see all our items on Monday. Now we can share those secret items we store in the truck of
our car, under the bed, in the basement and closets.
You can post what ever item you choose on what is in your shopping bag. I will post this
again on Friday as a reminder. I will have Mr. Linky linked up; I hope.
thank you,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Crowing about my tablscape thursday!
the tables capes. This is my really first table scape to post; I had a belated one yesterday and
that doesn't count; right Susan. I still can't get the link on? Maybe Susan can get it linked up.
Gosh, such a computer problem this morning or it is the operator.

Creme dishes and brown tons for the charger