
Friday, April 23, 2010

I am planning a wedding! My beautiful daughter is getting married!

We are excited to annouce our daughter's engagement to Chris Case!
March 5th, 2011 wedding is planned.



Designs on 47th Street said...

Ohh! Congratulations to all of you. What a truly beautiful couple.

My daughter and I are in the midst of planning her fall wedding. We are having some great times together as her dreams come true!


Jolyn said...

How exciting, and Congratulations to you all. Enjoy all the planning, and times you will be together doing this. Look forward to hearing about all the progress.. Have a wonderful weekend.

Susan said...

Congratulations!!! I look forward to following the progress of plans for the wedding! Enjoy!!

Deanna said...

Dearest Blossom,
A wonderful wedding to plan is an exciting time for mommas!

Best wishes to you and your lovely daughter.

God bless this marriage,
d from homehaven

Sue said...

What a beautiful couple they make...such a happy time!

Pinky said...

Oh congratulations to you AND the happy couple! My daughter and I are very busy planning her fall weddng too! It is such a wonderful, exciting time!!!!! XO, Pinky

Nancy Wyatt said...

What exciting news! Congrats and what a lovely couple they make! *hugs from Texas!

Helen said...

Could anything be more exciting and special? Don't think so! Enjoy this time of preparation .... it's so much fun.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Bet you're already busy planning the most perfect of weddings! Thanks for your sweet visit to my tablescape --- good friends are always welcome!

Justabeachkat said...


Thanks for your visit and sweet comment today!

Congrats to your daughter and to you. You're about to enter a new phase in your life. One I just completed since our daughter just got married 10 days ago. Did you see my posts with a link to her wedding photos? It was magical.

I spent a full 6 months in planning it and it was worth every single drop of blood, sweat and tears.

I pray your daughter's wedding is magical too.


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

How are you doing sweetie? Thanks for your visit today -- can't wait to get my hands on those Georgia Grandgirls and play and play and play! Sure I'll come home quite pooped~

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Thanks for your sweet visit -- sounds like you had a great Myrtle Beach vacation! And now you're back to wedding busy, I'm sure.

Michelle said...

I just found your blog, but I can't wait to come back and read all about the wedding plans. I love weddings!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. Our youngest daughter just got married. Enjoy this special time with her. I love yout blog!!

Miss Janice said...

How exciting! They are certainly a nice looking couple--she is absolutely beautiful and he is so handsome:).

Miss Janice said...

How exciting! They are certainly a nice looking couple--she is absolutely beautiful and he is so handsome:).